
Kamfers Dam - South Africa Live cam

Wildlife view of Kamfers Dam, South Africa

Prepare to be dazzled by the sight of thousands of flamingos flocking to this picturesque dam in Kimberley, South Africa, thanks to this Kamfers Dam live cam supplied by Africam! Kamfers Dam is renowned as one of the most important breeding sites for lesser flamingos in Southern Africa. The dam's shallow waters and abundance of food sources provide an ideal breeding habitat for these iconic birds. One of the notable features of Kamfers Dam is a large artificial island constructed within the reservoir specifically for flamingo breeding. The island provides a safe nesting site away from predators and human disturbance. The dam and its surrounding area are managed as a conservation area to protect the breeding colonies of lesser flamingos. Conservation initiatives aim to maintain water quality, manage human activities, and monitor the health of the flamingo population.

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