
Sliema Tigné Live cam

View of Sliema Tigné Seafront

Our webcam in Malta overlooks picturesque Sliema!

With three kilometers of waterfront, Sliema represents, together with St Julian's, a tourist favourite. An ancient fishing village and vacation spot for the English and Maltese bourgeoisie, today, the city is the island's economic and tourism capital.

Our webcam in Sliema offers a breathtaking view of the Tigné waterfront, the city's busiest area.
Continuing along the promenade, towards Valletta, tourist will reach a pedestrian bridge that presents a breathtaking view of the Maltese capital and of Fort Manoel (Fun fact: the latter served as the set for the Assassin's Creed movie and the Sword Throne series). Visitors will notice that the bridge is adorned with lots of love locks. In love? This is the perfect place to declare your love!

Set off for Sliema now with this webcam on the Tigné and discover other picturesque places with our webcams in Malta!