
Setenil de las Bodegas - Cuevas Del Sol Live cam

Setenil de las Bodegas, view of the main street of the village set in the rock


Want to explore a one-of-a-kind village? Our Setenil de las Bodegas live webcam brings you to the heart of a place where homes are nestled into cliffs.

Setenil de las Bodegas is a small, picturesque village located in the province of Cádiz in Andalusia, Spain. This unique village is renowned for its distinctive architecture, where many of the buildings are constructed into and under the large rock overhangs of the local gorge. Its most famous and iconic part is the main street, Calle Cuevas del Sol, incredibly picturesque, with whitewashed buildings, vibrant flowers, and dramatic rock formations creating a stunning backdrop. The unique structure of the village has made it a site of cultural and historical interest. The street and its surroundings are often featured in travel guides and documentaries about unusual places in Spain.

After checking out this unique Setenil de las Bodegas live cam, want to see more of this region? Keep exploring our other live cams in Andalusia now!