
Egmond aan Zee Live cam

Live Cams in Egmond aan Zee Beach in Holland


Tune into our Egmond aan Zee Beach live webcam for a glimpse of North Holland's coastal location. From the soothing sounds of waves crashing against the shore to the sight of colorful beach umbrellas dotting the sandy coastline, the webcam offers a virtual escape to the easygoing ambiance of Egmond Aan Zee, part of the municipality of Bergen. It's approximately 10 kilometers northwest of Alkmaar and around 40 kilometers northwest of Amsterdam. The beach boasts a long stretch of sandy shoreline bordered by dunes, creating a picturesque coastal landscape. It offers a variety of activities such as sunbathing, swimming, beach volleyball, kite flying, and beachcombing and the area is also popular among surfers.

Whether it's sunset strolls or bustling boardwalk scenes, let our Edmond aan Zee Beach live cam transport you to the heart of this seaside retreat. Interested in discovering additional coastal destinations? Check out our live webcams from beaches around the world!